Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Starting to miss the non profit world

Candace & Chris
Housing Works’ Candace Rivela, Creative Arts Therapist and Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator, previously worked as an art therapy intern at Cylar House and has been working at ENY since May of 2010, developing and facilitating creative arts programming, facilitating art therapy groups, such as Expressing Anger Through Art and Creative Recovery, in addition to several Open Studios in which clients are free to explore art materials and themes of their choosing.
One facet of the Creative Arts Therapy program at ENY is Therapeutic Recreation, a treatment service designed to restore and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life activities. Therapeutic Recreation promotes health, wellness, and healthy peer interaction by offering opportunities to expand knowledge of self and environment.
As part of an initiative to increase Therapeutic Recreation programming at ENY, Candace has invited new Housing Works’ volunteer, actor/model, Chris Daish, to join her team as a weekend volunteer. Drawing on his “healthy body-healthy mind” approach and enthusiasm for life, Chris researches activities and events that appeal to the needs and interests of our community. Chris coordinates with the Creative Arts Therapist to plan and facilitate monthly activities and trips aimed at exposing the clients to diverse culture and reducing stress and activity limitations that are caused by HIV and mental illness. Kudos Candace and Chris!


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