Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Editing Pays Off - "Beautiful Garbage" to be published

After undergoing tendon surgery on my birthday (12th January 2012), I entered a period of darkness and immobility which prompted me to try my hand at editing fiction. My first project was to look at the work of close friend Jill Di Donato, Professor of English and contributing writer to the Huff Post. The process was wonderfully therapeutic and allowed me to immerse myself into the world of fiction.... 

If Holly Golightly lived in the ’80s, how far would she go to make a name for herself as Manhattan’s artist du jour?

Jodi Plum: smart, talented, ambitious, troubled. Her story, BEAUTIFUL GARBAGE, parallels an artist’s journey with her sexual epiphanies, exploiting the notorious milieu of the 1980s downtown art scene from an unexplored point of view—that of the young female artist. We know all about Warhol, Basquiat, Keith Haring, and their fictional counterparts, but what about the edgy women artists of this time?

Fresh out of her teens, Plum leaves suburbia for Manhattan’s glam and gritty art scene. She soon falls into the clutches of Monika, a beautiful photographer. Under the spell of her new mentor, Plum quickly becomes a rising star. When a skeleton from her past surfaces, Plum’s dream life crashes to a halt. Overwhelmed by guilt, she slips into a world of parties, drugs, and high-class prostitution.

Set in the crime-plagued New York City of the 1980s, BEAUTIFUL GARBAGE offers a satirical and irreverent look at post-’70s sexual politics, the downtown art scene, and the world of elite call girls. Against this background, Plum struggles with the notion of the modern artist.

A Brooklyn native, Jill Di Donato holds a BA from Barnard College and an MFA in fiction from Columbia University, where she’s also taught writing. Currently, she’s an adjunct Professor of English at several New York schools including Barnard College and The Fashion Institute of Technology. She is a headlining contributor to the Women’s Section of The Huffington Post where she writes about sexual politics, dating, and relationships. Her column “52 Weeks of Sex” is featured on Good Days Media.
Her fiction, essays, and collage have been published in various media outlets, fromThe Saint Ann’s Review to iVillage.com.

Sunday, October 7, 2012